Colid Company Held Children's Day Series Activities

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The annual Children's Day arrival! In order to express the company's concern for employees, the care for the next generation, and the cordial care of the company's leaders, the labor union and the administrative department organized a series of activities on Children's Day to celebrate the happy holidays of the babies of Colid!

annual children's dayCome on.! In order to express the company's concern for employees and the next generation, the company's leaders are kind and concerned,Trade Unions andLineThe Ministry of Political Affairs organized a series of activities for Children's Day,Celebrate togetherHappy holidays to the babies of Colid! 


Series 1: Strengthen communication and cooperation between employees' parents and children to enhance family feelingsMay 28 in the companyOrganize some employees' families to carry out parent-child activities and celebrate Children's Day in advance for the children of the company's employees in this unique way..


Nearly from the company.More than 20 families participated in the activity, and parents cherished the opportunity to get close to their children and brought their children to join the activity. From time to time, children's silver-bell songs and laughter were heard during the activity. The company has prepared a sumptuous lunch for parents and children!



Series two activities:Company organized"Drawing Children's World" Children's Painting Collection Activity. Painting is a tool for children to understand the world. Children's paintings reflect their thoughts and thoughts about the world, encourage children to create freely, and let children feel the beauty of natural creatures and social life. Beauty! Encourage children's imagination and creativity, cultivate children's artistic sentiment, create a harmonious family atmosphere, and reflect the company's humanistic care!



Series three activities:For employees14 years oldThe followingChildren's Day Gifts104, a gift to convey the company's love for children.

Childhood is a dream endless poem, no sorrow, no trouble; Childhood is a beautiful song, full of sunshine and laughter,Record every moment of children's growth carefully, and wish the babies of Colid grow up healthily and happily every day! I wish Colids' friends a childlike innocence and peace and happiness! Thank the chairman and leaders for their strong support for the 61 system activities. The employees of the company will transform their love into motivation and jointly create a better tomorrow for the company!

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