Dalian Kelide 2023 Spring Festival Annual Meeting

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2023 has passed in a twinkling of an eye, and 2024 is quietly coming towards us. In order to thank all the staff for their hard work in one year, we have prepared wonderful performances, rich prizes, wine and delicacies for this annual meeting......

Return to Ben Wanli for reunion, warm wine cooking food for the old couplet. On January 27, 2024, Dalian Kelid 2023 grand ceremony was held ceremoniously!

2023 has passed in a twinkling of an eye, and 2024 is quietly coming towards us. In order to thank all the staff for their hard work in one year, we have prepared wonderful performances, rich prizes, wine and delicacies for this annual meeting......

Next, let's walk into the wonderful moment of Colid's 2023 meeting together!

At 8: 30 a.m., the Colid family and invited guests began to sign in and receive the annual raffle tickets and the mascot of the year of the dragon. everyone took photos on the sign-in wall to leave a beautiful moment.

At 8: 30 a.m., the Colid family and invited guests began to sign in and receive the annual raffle tickets and the mascot of the year of the dragon. everyone took photos on the sign-in wall to leave a beautiful moment.

After the leaders came to the stage to give a speech, the show began, all kinds of talent performances were staged in turn, dance, recitation, singing and other rich and diverse performance forms, the employees actively participated, showing their elegant demeanor and talent!

The wonderful program is also interspersed with exciting lottery activities. The company has prepared notebook computers, mobile phones, iPad, smart watches, headphones, wall breaking machines and other rich prizes for everyone!

The chairman and the management gave a toast, and everyone raised their glasses to the struggling Collids. During this period, all the leaders gave out red envelopes and everyone returned with a full load.

2023 Annual Meeting Ends Successfully! At this moment full of laughter and emotion, I would like to thank every colleague for their hard work and enthusiastic participation. Let's go hand in hand to create a better future. I wish you all a happy Spring Festival, a long trip, and a bright future! Colid will be more brilliant tomorrow!

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