May the childlike innocence remain forever, may the heart be like a teenager, and the eyes are high.

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June is the cradle of childhood. June is the dream of childhood. June is the sun of childhood. June is the day that children look forward to. In order to express their concern for employees and their families and let their children have a happy and meaningful "June 1" Children's Day, Colid Company has given holiday gifts to a total of 138 children under the age of 14.

June is the cradle of childhood. June is the dream of childhood. June is the sun of childhood. June is the day that children look forward to. In order to express their concern for employees and their families, they can have a happy and meaningful time for their children."June 1" Children's Day, Colid Company issued holiday gifts to a total of 138 children under the age of 14.

Before the event, the company's trade union statistics in advanceThe information of the children of employees under the age of 14, according to the preferences of children of different ages, carefully planned and tailored "little surprises" for them, including backpacks, summer quilts, cartoon kettles, soft pen bags, etc., in the process of distribution, For the children of employees in different places, gifts and blessings are delivered to the children in advance by express delivery before the holiday.

The children's smiling faces are full of happiness!At the same time, the company held a Colid Cup children's painting exhibition. The children used their brushes to depict the colorful world in their hearts.

On June 1st, International Children's Day, the company organized more than 40 key employees and their families to go to Jinshitan Mountain, Sea, Fantasy Valley and Jinshiqiu Valley to carry out Children's Day parent-child outdoor activities with the theme of "Building Dreams and Growing Together". Parents accompany the children to spend a wonderful and unforgettable festival.

Dream of childlike innocence, accompanied by growth. The warmth and companionship of family is the best gift of childhood. This activity has created an opportunity for the Colid family to share the warm parent-child time, experience the fun of outdoor activities and a better life, and will become a memory worth cherishing in the children's beautiful childhood. In the future, Colid will continue to be employee-oriented and continue to carry out rich and interesting cultural activities. The company's labor union will also continue to innovate forms, solidly carry out activities to care for employees, continue to build a warm enterprise, and inspire all employees to devote themselves to full enthusiasm. In work and life, promote the steady development of work, and achieve better results.

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