July 1 Party Building Festival, eventful years, Do not forget your initiative mind

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In order to celebrate the 102 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the company's party members, the company's party branch organized 12 party members to visit and study at the Guan Xiangying Memorial Hall on July 1.

To celebrate the founding of the Communist Party of ChinaOn the 102 anniversary, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the company's party members were further enhanced. On July 1, the company's party branch organized 12 party members to visit and study at the Guan Xiangying Memorial Hall.

With admiration and memory for Comrade Guan Xiangying, all party members carefully watched the photos and exhibits displayed in the exhibition hall, and learned deeply about Comrade Guan Xiangying's short and brilliant life of more than 40 years. Finally, all Party members reviewed the oath of joining the Party in front of the statue of Comrade Guan Xiangying and kept in mind their initial mission.

Through this visit, every party member was deeply inspired and encouraged. Everyone expressed that they must always play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, inherit the red spirit of the revolutionary ancestors, and contribute their own strength to the company, the party, and the country!


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